When Daisy comes home.. | Children photographer, Berkshire, UK

It’s Friday, and I go pick Adi from school, he generally forgets to get his packed lunch bag along, but today he is carrying two sacks in his hands.

I ask, “Adi, whose bag is this? Can you please give it to the teacher.”

He says, “Mama, its Daisy’s Bag.”

Me (Thinking its a girl in the class): “Where is she, go give it to her.”

Adi: “No, we have to take it home, its Daisy the foxy, she is coming home with us.”

Confused, I open the bag to see a tiny little soft toy in it. The teacher explained to me, “Adi did an excellent listening this week in the class and hence Daisy the foxy wants to spend the weekend with him, so here she goes with you. Adi, do take care of her, ok?”

My neighbour confirmed that this is one of the practices that UK schools use to encourage good behaviour among children. And it seemed to be working with even my little one who never really liked any soft toys so far. It was really fascinating to see him taking care of Daisy as if she was real.

One Large notebook came with a bag, and Adi was supposed to write/draw something in it for Daisy. Cars being his favourite subject, he drew a car for Daisy and the Daisy seating in it.

And this is how the weekend went by,

My Weekend with Daisy

Today, Daisy has come home with me,

I am so happy, I can’t explain

I hug her and carry her all around,

I sit with her, I eat and drink with her

I play with her & also tuck her in the bed & sleep with her

Next day, I wake up and find her,

I brush my teeth while she sits in the corner;

I play with my cars, and she is just looking;

I play with trucks and she is still looking;

I play with trains, and she is always watching;

I open my lego box and boy, She seems angry,

I quickly pick her up & hug her,

It’s time for breakfast, and I go eat with her;

Tomorrow, I have to go back to school with Daisy;

I wish she stayed with me forever,

Coz, she is the best and only soft toy I liked ever...