Silver Lining ! | Reading, Family Photographer

Spring 2020-4.jpg

The other day, Mahesh (my other half) was working (remotely) in his room as usual busy on a video call. My son Advait was playing in the living room, checked his new wrist watch. Hmm it was 5:30PM. He got up & went inside daddy’s room, greeted with Hello to his colleagues on his laptop and said, “Dad, its already 5:30, we have a play date now!”

Mahesh “Oh, yes Adi, can you please wait outside, I will have to finish the call.” 

Adi: “well, how much more time!?”

Mahesh : “Give me another 10 Minutes.”

Adi: “10 minutes? Ok.”

He comes out and shouts “Hey google, set the timer for 10 minutes”

(I am sure) Mahesh in his mind said ”Oops.. I should have said 20.”  :D He knew well by now that he is gonna come back in exactly 10 minutes. 

Well… Challenge of working from home apart; this is the first time ever, I guess, we are able to spend so much time together as a family. While my photography work allows me to have enough  flexibility to work around the needs of my family; Mahesh’s job is pretty demanding. He barely gets to spend time with us during weekdays. Hence, its been 6 and half years but my little one has always been a mama’s boy; looking for me for anything and everything the whole time. 

Three weeks now into lockdown, I really wonder the way he is connecting with his dad. I see his dad listening to every elaborate explanations and conversing on different topics that I never understood much. Cars, latest Tesla models, design differences, hyperloop trains, new technologies in travel, Legos and games.. oh boy…the list goes on and over my head. But with Mahesh, I see his eyes light up. His excitement goes up and so far not even a single day he has said he wants to go out. He is been happy, rather very happy, being with just me and his dad, playing endlessly with his toys and enjoying dates with his daddy.

Whenever Mahesh used to travel for work earlier, he used to ask me, did Adi miss me? Well, I used to lie to Mahesh earlier but I guess I don’t have to anymore.  He misses him when he is working, 9AM to 5:30PM, from his office cum bed in our own home now. :) He keeps waiting and makes elaborate plans for the evening date with daddy. And if he is not out already by 5:30, he goes in his room and reminds him about his commitment, even if he is on video call with his client. :D

Isn’t that a Life.. happening even in these tough times?

Hope you all are safely tucked in the comforts of your homes with your loved ones and making memories with your own family and children. For me I am spending this time with gratitude and positivity and documenting these moments… that feels like a silver lining of hope, peace, cheer and positivity.